Instagram/ @Chatterqueenz


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

30 things you can do for yourself everyday

Stop spending time with the wrong people. – Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you.  If someone wants you in their life, they’ll make room for you.  You shouldn’t have to fight for a spot.  Never, ever insist yourself to someone who continuously overlooks your worth.  And remember, it’s not the people that stand by your side when you’re at your best, but the ones who stand beside you when you’re at your worst that are your true friends.

Stop running from your problems. – Face them head on.  No, it won’t be easy.  There is no person in the world capable of flawlessly handling every punch thrown at them.  We aren’t supposed to be able to instantly solve problems.  That’s not how we’re made.  In fact, we’re made to get upset, sad, hurt, stumble and fall.  Because that’s the whole purpose of living – to face problems, learn, adapt, and solve them over the course of time.  This is what ultimately molds us into the person we become.

Stop lying to yourself. – You can lie to anyone else in the world, but you can’t lie to yourself.  Our lives improve only when we take chances, and the first and most difficult chance we can take is to be honest with ourselves.  Read The Road Less Traveled.

Stop putting your own needs on the back burner. – The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too.  Yes, help others; but help yourself too.  If there was ever a moment to follow your passion and do something that matters to you, that moment is now.

Stop trying to be someone you’re not. – One of the greatest challenges in life is being yourself in a world that’s trying to make you likeeveryone else.  Someone will always be prettier, someone will always be smarter, someone will always be younger, but they will never be you.  Don’t change so people will like you.  Be yourself and the right people will love the real you.

Stop trying to hold onto the past. – You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading your last one.

Stop being scared to make a mistake. – Doing something and getting it wrong is at least ten times more productive than doing nothing.  Every success has a trail of failures behind it, and every failure is leading towards success.  You end up regretting the things you did NOT do far more than the things you did.

Stop berating yourself for old mistakes. – We may love the wrong person and cry about the wrong things, but no matter how things go wrong, one thing is for sure, mistakes help us find the person and things that are right for us.  We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past.  But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future.  Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come.

Stop trying to buy happiness. – Many of the things we desire are expensive.  But the truth is, the things that really satisfy us are totally free – love, laughter and working on our passions.

Stop exclusively looking to others for happiness. – If you’re not happy with who you are on the inside, you won’t be happy in a long-term relationship with anyone else either.  You have to create stability in your own life first before you can share it with someone else.  Read Stumbling on Happiness.

Stop being idle. – Don’t think too much or you’ll create a problem that wasn’t even there in the first place.  Evaluate situations and take decisive action.  You cannot change what you refuse to confront.  Making progress involves risk.  Period!  You can’t make it to second base with your foot on first.

Stop thinking you’re not ready. – Nobody ever feels 100% ready when an opportunity arises.  Because most great opportunities in life force us to grow beyond our comfort zones, which means we won’t feel totally comfortable at first.

Stop getting involved in relationships for the wrong reasons. – Relationships must be chosen wisely.  It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company.  There’s no need to rush.  If something is meant to be, it will happen – in the right time, with the right person, and for the best reason. Fall in love when you’re ready, not when you’re lonely.

Stop rejecting new relationships just because old ones didn’t work. – In life you’ll realize that there is a purpose for everyone you meet.  Some will test you, some will use you and some will teach you.  But most importantly, some will bring out the best in you.

Stop trying to compete against everyone else. – Don’t worry about what others are doing better than you.  Concentrate on beating your own records every day.  Success is a battle between YOU and YOURSELF only.

Stop being jealous of others. – Jealousy is the art of counting someone else’s blessings instead of your own.  Ask yourself this:  “What’s something I have that everyone wants?”

Stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself. – Life’s curveballs are thrown for a reason – to shift your path in a direction that is meant for you.  You may not see or understand everything the moment it happens, and it may be tough.  But reflect back on those negative curveballs thrown at you in the past.  You’ll often see that eventually they led you to a better place, person, state of mind, or situation.  So smile!  Let everyone know that today you are a lot stronger than you were yesterday, and you will be.

Stop holding grudges. – Don’t live your life with hate in your heart.  You will end up hurting yourself more than the people you hate.  Forgiveness is not saying, “What you did to me is okay.”  It is saying, “I’m not going to let what you did to me ruin my happiness forever.”  Forgiveness is the answer… let go, find peace, liberate yourself!  And remember, forgiveness is not just for other people, it’s for you too.  If you must, forgive yourself, move on and try to do better next time.

Stop letting others bring you down to their level. – Refuse to lower your standards to accommodate those who refuse to raise theirs.

Stop wasting time explaining yourself to others. – Your friends don’t need it and your enemies won’t believe it anyway.  Just do what you know in your heart is right.Stop doing the same things over and over without taking a break. – The time to take a deep breath is when you don’t have time for it.  If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.  Sometimes you need to distance yourself to see things clearly.

Stop overlooking the beauty of small moments. – Enjoy the little things, because one day you may look back and discover they were the big things.  The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you.

Stop trying to make things perfect. – The real world doesn’t reward perfectionists, it rewards people who get things done.  Read Getting Things Done.

Stop following the path of least resistance. – Life is not easy, especially when you plan on achieving something worthwhile.  Don’t take the easy way out.  Do something extraordinary.

Stop acting like everything is fine if it isn’t. – It’s okay to fall apart for a little while.  You don’t always have to pretend to be strong, and there is no need to constantly prove that everything is going well.  You shouldn’t be concerned with what other people are thinking either – cry if you need to – it’s healthy to shed your tears.  The sooner you do, the sooner you will be able to smile again.

Stop blaming others for your troubles. – The extent to which you can achieve your dreams depends on the extent to which you take responsibility for your life.  When you blame others for what you’re going through, you deny responsibility – you give others power over that part of your life.

Stop trying to be everything to everyone. – Doing so is impossible, and trying will only burn you out.  But making one person smile CAN change the world.  Maybe not the whole world, but their world.  So narrow your focus.

Stop worrying so much. – Worry will not strip tomorrow of its burdens, it will strip today of its joy.  One way to check if something is worth mulling over is to ask yourself this question: “Will this matter in one year’s time?  Three years?  Five years?”  If not, then it’s not worth worrying about.

Stop focusing on what you don’t want to happen. – Focus on what you do want to happen.  Positive thinking is at the forefront of every great success story.  If you awake every morning with the thought that something wonderful will happen in your life today, and you pay close attention, you’ll often find that you’re right.

Stop being ungrateful. – No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your life.  Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs.  Instead of thinking about what you’re missing, try thinking about what you have that everyone else is missing.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sim UOL, my year 1 journey

After a long, stressful few weeks of waiting, 3 days of delay from the initial release date, the results are finally out. It's been a crazy wait both physically and emotionally, the few days before i couldn't sleep with ease at all, dreaming of the results almost every night. And today, my heart really felt like it was going to stop any moment, it was racing so hard and fast, for no reason, other than fear and anxiety. This was possibly more anxious a wait than A levels results for a couple of reasons and i'm just glad it's finally done and over with.
These are my results. I must admit they aren't fantastic, but i cannot be more thankful for whatever i've received already. It's indeed the miracle i've been praying and asking for :') Considering how much i was struggling with the work, these passes just really made my day so so much. Statistics, i remembered coming out of the exam knowing it was a mess, a horrible mess, but miracles happen, i did it, i passed!!! Econs, the one subject none of us could catch up with in class, passed too. It's just crazyyyyyy. IBM, even tho i fell short of the passing mark by 2 marks, i'm happy enough, cos' i only managed to do 2 out of 4 essays of the entire paper. My results aren't the highest, definitely shy of my friends' 70+/80+ scores for math and stats, but for whatever i've received, it's an amazing miracle.

One and a half years ago when i took back my A level results, i broke down knowing i probably wouldn't be able to make it to a local uni, i cried and i felt like i let down my parents so much. They've always believed in me and i know i really disappointed them. I know that going to SIM wasn't their best choice for me, but they supported me. It was then i set my heart and i promised to work hard, and not let them down again. This exams, what i feared most, was that i'd disappoint them again. I know i gave it my best shot, but then again i also knew i did not prepare early enough. I prepared myself and even them for the worst. Almost everyday i imagine different situations, the bad, and also the good. I imagine doing them proud, and i'd feel like crying so much. Today, i could finally let those tears of joy out. Not that i got really impressive marks, i didnt, not that it's anything amazing, but simply because, it's more than what i deserve, and that my hardwork paid off and a miracle fell upon me. When mum came into the room and gave me a hug, i knew at that moment, they were relieved for me. It might not be the best results, but i'll definitely work three times harder to do two times better in the coming year.

It's going to be tough, it's going to be stressful. 5 full mods. But this experience has truly been humbling, a lesson, and truly a blessing. Thank You God, today i was reminded that You wanted to place me where i am, and that made me know that everything was going to be okay. This is part of your plan and i am thankful, more than anything. :)

Crazy year ahead but... YEAR 2 HERE I COME!!!!!! Was so afraid i couldn't take year 2 mods at all, there was such a possibility of me failing all. But i did it, i did it. I wouldn't have been able to do this without the people who encouraged me along the way and helped me step by step, teaching me, supporting me and believing in me. You know who you all are and i just want to say a big thank you. Humbled, and stirred to work even harder next year, where marks are really going to count. Gonna do this! Fight again, and fight strong manda :)

Monday, August 12, 2013

I really want to post updates, outings, cher's birthday, 9th monthsary (which was lovely) but it seems like my heart and mind is putting everything on hold until results are out, which is.. in less than 12 hours time.

"2 more days. It's stressing me out so badly even tho i know constantly thinking of it isn't gonna change anything. When it comes, it will come, and what will be will be. However i fair, whether i pass or fail, touch my heart at least i know, i gave my very very best. The lesson learnt is that i've got to study so much earlier and ahead of time, with the same quality, and perhaps, i wouldn't be sostressed next year this time. For now i'd just really pray and hope for the best, be it a miracle, or a lesson. I'd just really hope i won't disappoint them again, but if i do, i promise to make it up by doing two times better and working three times harder.

There's always gonna be another chance, one for us to cherish, hold on to, and fight even harder for in the future. Be it good or bad on tuesday, it's a start, to a brand new year. So lets go manda, fight again, and fight strong. 

Posted this yesterday. I think even that doesn't reflect how.. worried i am. I know i shouldn't be, and perhaps no one else is taking it that seriously or being so stressed up about it. I'm trying to chill about it but i know subconsciously i'm worried and it's a load that i can't get off my chest just yet. Cos' i dream of it almost every night, i don't know if i dream of what i hope for, or my dreams are of comfort to me. But i guess, what my results are going to be tomorrow will not change regardless. What will be will be. I know Your plans and ways are good, and higher than mine. Praying for a miracle nevertheless.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

#Tanfamilytravels > +66 Bkk trip

Feel free to ask me any questions @ 
So dad and mum decided to book an impromptu family holiday to Bkk. It was literally a suggest today, plane ticket and hotel booking confirmed same day sort of impromptu, and that was just 1 week before we left! Aunt joined us too! Heh it was exciting as the whole family hasn't went on holiday altogether for a few years now, so.. this was how our trip went! :)

Where we stayed for the 4 nights! Nice hotel, pretty spacious and comfortable room, good buffet breakfast and dinner, reasonable price :) Only downside was the district it was situated at hahaha. But that aside, it served as a comfortable place for rest for us every night.

Chatuchak weekend market! 
We went quite early (about 11am) hence it wasn't thaaat crowded yet thank God. When we were done and about to leave (about 3+) it was so packed.

Beautiful roadside flowers.
 I never used to like flowers especially as gifts cos they wither eventually... but i guess i do appreciate fake ones, at least they stay pretty, just the way it was first bought. Look how gorgeous they are, it made me very happy just looking at them, especially the sunflowers:)

So many pretty intricate bags! I had such a hard time choosing. I love my boring black and white staples but at the same time i really love these prints too.

Day 1 and 2 haul - Platinum and chatuchak market.

Chocolate fondue from the hotel's buffet dinner! The dinner was so good. 

Some thai food must-try!
1) Pad thai
2) Mango sticky rice
3) JJ market coconut ice cream
& 4) Rice crackers with pork floss! (My absolute favourite!!)

I had each of this at least twice haha. They were so good:)

On our last night we headed to MK steamboat for dinner! It was alright, would choose the above 4 mentioned food/snacks over this tho hahaha.

Yeahhhh Manda bought a sunflower headband and we're all lovin' it! Hahaha mum says i look crazy. But i continued having fun with it anyways... I like it! It's so bright and, happy :)

Mama, my twin and superwoman:)

We spent the last morning before checkout down by the beautiful hotel poolside :)

Complete haul! 
Mostly from chatuchak, jj market, platinum mall, random roadside stalls, and also beauty buffet/boots/karmart for beauty products :) Pretty happy with all my buys! Hehe some were a major bargain.

Decided to take a random 'whats in my makeup bag' with my new blush and brushes.

T'was time to head home, overall really thankful for this trip. Definitely enjoyed the food and shopping (of course), and most importantly glad that the whole family got to go on a trip together :) Tho' it wasn't the most relaxing of trips due to all the walking and rushing every day, it was surely an experience and 'eye opener' hahaha. I'm glad this trip was possible and i'm already looking forward to the next :)

Feel free to ask me any questions @ 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

27/7 Update

Sorry for the lack of updates!

Promise to be up with photos from #tanfamilytravels Bangkok trip + maybe a random 50 facts bout me post. Ever since i stopped work it felt like my everyday life came to a standstill for a moment, i need to find something productive to do. I'm not sure if i'll regret saying this but, i'm quite excited for school to start again. Whether it's year 1, 1.5, 2, i'mma pick up my tools and fight again. For what it's worth. :)

Still thinking of what song to cover next.. (hilary this is for you haha) I'll give it my best shot, whatever song it is!

Monday, June 3, 2013

S/S'13 Moodboard/Wishlist

Few pieces i've been loving this season.
1. Neon accessories
2. Zara Skort  
-Caved in to temptation and finally bought it. It's arriving in 3 days and i'm so excited! Loved it since I first saw it on RumiNeely's instagram-
3. Revlon Lip Butter in Juicy Papaya 
-Moisturizing, and the first lip colour that looks natural yet brightens up my face- 
4. Simple black leather sandals
5. Anything hologram/holographic
6. Jo Malone English Pear and Freesia fragrance 
- This holds TOP spot on my wishlist. Most amazing fragrance i've ever smelt. I'm shall work & earn $$ and reward myself with it- 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Kiseki w Family/

Kiseki Japanese Buffet Restaurant -
Orchard central 8th floor

"Ohana - it means family, and family means no one gets left behind"
So after a few failed attempts at reservations (it is always full) we finally successfully went to Kiseki for their buffet dinner! 

Snapped this two pics and then... i just dug in already haha the food was not bad. If you're a fan of sushi and sashimi then maybe this isn't the place for you cos there wasn't much variety of those. But, quality wise it was pretty good! I liked that slightly smoked sushi (above pic) hehe. Cha soba and chawanmushi is a must for me too whenever i'm at a buffet with japanese selection. 
Oh one of my other favourites from kiseki is their smoked duck pasta with special spicy sauce that was soooo good. The duck pales in comparison to the one from Lenas but the pasta was delicious! Too bad they didn't have shishamo though that's one of my all time favourites.

Ever since i worked at Haagen dazs, everytime i see ice cream + ice cream scoop there's a sense of familiarity and i'll be excited to scoop the ice cream (act pro) hahahah. Drizzled fondue chocolate over & i like adding hundreds and thousands on top, they always make the dessert look so much more fun and gives it a nice bite. Ended up too busy taking pics and didnt finish the ice cream and it all melted. Haha.

Heart marshmallow in fondue, and the one who has my heart :)

Pictures with the sumo haha.

We paid about $31.80++ each (weekday, $34.80++ for weekends i think) and i feel it was pretty worth the price :) Most importantly it felt like a complete and lovely dinner, everyone was there, everyone was in good spirits, occasional jokes and good food. Couldn't ask for more. Thankful for moments like these that are harder to come by as we all grow up, and everyone's busy with different things and priorities in life. At the end of the day it's always nice to sit down with family, and just enjoy a meal together, whether outside at the restaurant, or just at home with a home-cooked meal. And i'm glad for us, we haven't lost it yet and every month we'll still have a nice family dinner together :)

Thinking of doing a May favourites posts just for fun but i'm not really sure what i'll include in it.. Haha shall put it on hold for the next couple of days.

OH side note, i completed insanity plyometric cardio circuit today!!!! Crazy routine. Honestly i haven't had the motivation over the past 3 days to complete the videos but am really trying to push through. Glad i found the motivation today (each time i look at my belly fat, yup there's some push that i need to burn it off) and completed it. Pure cardio + cardio abs tomorrow.. i don't even know if i can complete pure cardio but, we'll see how it goes. 

Keep pushin'! 
Goodnight! x