Instagram/ @Chatterqueenz


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sim UOL, my year 1 journey

After a long, stressful few weeks of waiting, 3 days of delay from the initial release date, the results are finally out. It's been a crazy wait both physically and emotionally, the few days before i couldn't sleep with ease at all, dreaming of the results almost every night. And today, my heart really felt like it was going to stop any moment, it was racing so hard and fast, for no reason, other than fear and anxiety. This was possibly more anxious a wait than A levels results for a couple of reasons and i'm just glad it's finally done and over with.
These are my results. I must admit they aren't fantastic, but i cannot be more thankful for whatever i've received already. It's indeed the miracle i've been praying and asking for :') Considering how much i was struggling with the work, these passes just really made my day so so much. Statistics, i remembered coming out of the exam knowing it was a mess, a horrible mess, but miracles happen, i did it, i passed!!! Econs, the one subject none of us could catch up with in class, passed too. It's just crazyyyyyy. IBM, even tho i fell short of the passing mark by 2 marks, i'm happy enough, cos' i only managed to do 2 out of 4 essays of the entire paper. My results aren't the highest, definitely shy of my friends' 70+/80+ scores for math and stats, but for whatever i've received, it's an amazing miracle.

One and a half years ago when i took back my A level results, i broke down knowing i probably wouldn't be able to make it to a local uni, i cried and i felt like i let down my parents so much. They've always believed in me and i know i really disappointed them. I know that going to SIM wasn't their best choice for me, but they supported me. It was then i set my heart and i promised to work hard, and not let them down again. This exams, what i feared most, was that i'd disappoint them again. I know i gave it my best shot, but then again i also knew i did not prepare early enough. I prepared myself and even them for the worst. Almost everyday i imagine different situations, the bad, and also the good. I imagine doing them proud, and i'd feel like crying so much. Today, i could finally let those tears of joy out. Not that i got really impressive marks, i didnt, not that it's anything amazing, but simply because, it's more than what i deserve, and that my hardwork paid off and a miracle fell upon me. When mum came into the room and gave me a hug, i knew at that moment, they were relieved for me. It might not be the best results, but i'll definitely work three times harder to do two times better in the coming year.

It's going to be tough, it's going to be stressful. 5 full mods. But this experience has truly been humbling, a lesson, and truly a blessing. Thank You God, today i was reminded that You wanted to place me where i am, and that made me know that everything was going to be okay. This is part of your plan and i am thankful, more than anything. :)

Crazy year ahead but... YEAR 2 HERE I COME!!!!!! Was so afraid i couldn't take year 2 mods at all, there was such a possibility of me failing all. But i did it, i did it. I wouldn't have been able to do this without the people who encouraged me along the way and helped me step by step, teaching me, supporting me and believing in me. You know who you all are and i just want to say a big thank you. Humbled, and stirred to work even harder next year, where marks are really going to count. Gonna do this! Fight again, and fight strong manda :)